Community Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30th   ||   3:00-4:30pm

Corner of Squirrel Rd + Waukegan Rd, Auburn Hills

You and your family are invited to join us for an Easter Egg Hunt hosted by LifeChurch Auburn Hills! This is a free event for our community. The Easter Egg Hunt will occur in two shifts based on age:

— Kindergarten and younger: 3:30pm
— 1st grade – 6th grade: 4:00pm

Kids will also have the chance to participate in other Easter themed activities including face painting and potting seeds that they can take home and watch grow!

Park at the River Church (255 S Squirrel Rd, Auburn Hills) and walk across the street to the large field at the southwest corner of Squirrel Rd and Wuakegan Rd.

Interested in helping make this a successful event? We need volunteers to help with event set-up/tear-down, running activities, and hospitality. Indicate your interest on the form below and our team will follow-up with you.

Questions? Email Ana Mello at
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