Betty Johnson Adoption and Foster Care Support Fund
We at LifeChurch Auburn Hills long to be a loving environment for children and families in all facets of the foster care and adoption picture. It is our desire to engage in prevention initiatives and to care for children affected by trauma, abuse and/or neglect, as well as those courageously caring for those affected. Establishing this fund, which is specifically dedicated to supporting local adoption and foster care initiatives here in Auburn Hills and greater Oakland County, is a small but important step for us to reflect the love and compassion that Jesus himself offers to those touched by trauma, especially children.
This fund is a designated account at LifeChurch Auburn Hills where all gifts will go 100% to supporting local adoption and foster care initiatives. The fund is named for Mrs. Betty Johnson, the mother of our Lead Pastor Donearl Johnson who passed away in March 2019. As a young child, Betty was placed into the foster care system following the death of her own mother. She was placed in multiple foster homes and eventually aged out of the child welfare system. This experience, coupled with her faith in Christ, grew a passion in her for the health, safety and well-being of children, and her passion has made a massive impact on Donearl and many others.
All gifts given are tax-deductible, and will be administered by the leadership team at LifeChurch Auburn Hills to support this important and life-giving work of adoption and foster care.

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Please make checks out to:
LifeChurch Auburn Hills
Memo: Adoption and Foster Care
Mail checks to:
LifeChurch Auburn Hills
P.O. Box 211018
Auburn Hills, MI 48321