Our Staff

Donearl Johnson

Donearl Johnson


Donearl is a Navy veteran, child welfare advocate, and the lead pastor of LifeChurch Auburn Hills. He has been married to his wife Jenetta for 22 years. They have four children.

Donearl grew up in a Christ-centered family and has had a desire to start a church for most of his adult life. After a long career in the Navy and working with an adoption and foster care agency, Donearl and his wife Jenetta decided to take the steps to launch LifeChurch Auburn Hills in fall of 2017. After a one year residency with LifeChurch Southfield in 2018, Donearl became the full time pastor of LifeChurch Auburn Hills in January 2019.

One of Donearl’s favorite bible verses is Revelation 7:9-10, which holds special meaning for LifeChurch Auburn Hills: After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:  “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Donearl longs to see this same unity described in Revelation here on earth, with people from all backgrounds following Jesus in unity.

Brendan Dry

Brendan Dry


Brendan desires to make people feel welcome and use the gifts God has given them to make an impact on others. Prior to coming to LCAH, Brendan helped start a bi-lingual church in California. He loves exploring the outdoors on foot or on two wheels with his wife Kimberly and sons Isaac, Gabriel, and Nathan

Sydney Henry

Born and raised in Detroit, Sydney is passionate about ministering to the unchurched and dechurched in innovative and creative ways. Over the years, she has had the privilege of serving God as a leader, pastor, and chaplain at various churches and ministries. Sydney desires to abandon comfort and safe living for risk-taking and a mission-driven life.


Marcia Partin

Marcia Partin


Marcia is the Ministry Director and LifeStudents coordinator.  Since graduating from seminary she has worked with adults in corrections and youth outreach in Kansas City and Detroit when she wasn’t a full time mom.  Marcia and her husband Andrew have lived in Auburn Hills for 8 years with their 2 daughters.