Our staff at LCAH is inviting everyone in our church community to join us in a fast from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, April 11th. We will be fasting from food and intentionally withdrawing from social media and other forms online content as much as possible.
Fasting is a way of worshiping God that creates a hunger and thirst in us for the bread of life that is Jesus’ presence and power in our lives. We see this fast as an opportunity to offer our full attention to God in expectation of hearing from Him in a fresh way. As you are able, we’d encourage you to also abstain from eating; whether you fast from all food, specific foods like sweets, or choose a shorter time time frame to fast. We also encourage you to pull back from online activity.
As you take away things from your day, we encourage you to fill that space with intentional times of prayer and acts of service for others. In Isaiah 58, God communicates with Israel that a fast that honors God includes justice and righteousness — use this day as a time to be find a way to practice justice and mercy towards your neighbors in a concrete way.
This is a great opportunity to volunteer though My COVID Response or give financially to support this work. Ask God to put someone on your heart who you can serve by: praying for them and writing them an encouraging note, creating a care package for someone you know is struggling and delivering it to them, identifying high-risk people in your neighborhood and offering to deliver groceries, or donating PPE to medical providers.