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“Go and make disciples.” With this short instruction to the disciples at the end of his time on earth, Jesus captured the heart of what a life of following Jesus is all about. When life feels disorienting, through trial and joy, seasons of doubt and certainty, in the midst of social and political divisions, the mission to “go and make disciples” remains our true north. So what would it look like to make this our primary mission each day?
For the disciples, Jesus instructed them to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and to teach them to obey everything He commanded. Most of us have never baptized anyone, and I’m guessing very few of us would feel confident naming everything that Jesus commands. We might even wonder how we’re doing as disciples of Jesus ourselves, much less as someone helping others to follow Jesus. Fortunately, as Pastor Donearl shared on Sunday, the story of the bible shows again and again that God encounters us right where we are and invites us into a lifelong journey of transformation. We grow in grace, taking step by step and walking in the way of Christ. And if we’re looking for a place to start, there was one command that Jesus seemed to single out again and again: “A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).
So if “making disciples” seems like a daunting task, ask yourself this instead: am I loving others like Jesus does? Would your friends, family, and neighbors describe you as someone who is quick to forgive, as someone who looks out for their interest above your own, as someone who is known for your compassion? As Pastor Donearl shared on Sunday, God is the one who will ensure that all nations will know that Jesus is Lord — but you are invited to play a role.
Read Matthew 28:16-20
- Who is a person who has shown you what it means to be a disciple? What did that look like? How have you tried to pass on what you have learned to others?
- Why do you think it matters that Jesus tells his disciples that he has been given “all authority on heaven and earth?” How does Jesus’ authority impact our lives?
- At LCAH, we have focused on building committed, cross cultural, Christ-centered friendships as a way to express Jesus’ command to love others as Jesus has loved us. How has engaging in those friendships impacted your own discipleship of Jesus?
Jesus sends out his disciples with an amazing promise: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Reflect on a moment when you felt God’s presence with you. Thank Jesus for that moment and ask God to give you greater awareness of his ever-present power and love.
Say these words as God’s commission for you:
Go and tell somebody
Tell them that Jesus really loves them
And He died for their sins
Go tell somebody
Soon He will come back again
— Commissioned, Go Tell Somebody