On Thursday, March 7, Donearl Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Betty Johnson passed away. This post contains important details and information regarding serving the Johnson family as they celebrate her life and legacy. Also, we would like to share ways for you to be able to celebrate her life with them during this time.
The Johnsons would deeply appreciate seeing you at the visitation and / or funeral.
The visitation details are as follows:
Friday, March 15
12-8pm (The Johnson family will be present at the visitation from 2-6pm)
Lawrence E. Moon Funeral Home
906 W Flint Park Blvd
Flint, MI 48505
The funeral details are as follows:
Saturday, March 16
11am Funeral Service
Jackson Memorial Church of God in Christ
3155 W Carpenter Rd
Flint, MI 48504
Following the funeral there will be a repass meal you are invited to attend. We have been told that bringing desserts to this meal would be a helpful way to show support, so please let me know if you plan to come and bring something. If you would like to drop off food for the repass meal because you cannot attend, you can reply back and make arrangements to drop it off on Friday evening after 7pm or Saturday morning before 9:15am at 1600 Pebble Beach Dr, Pontiac MI 48340.
The Johnson’s have loved receiving so many encouraging messages. If you desire to send an encouraging note, please email donearl@lifechurchauburnhills.org or leave a tribute on the obituary page. It could be an encouragement or memory about Betty, or even just a way the Johnson family has impacted you and how grateful you are for them. These messages will be a treasure for the family to share in the next few weeks, as well as years to come.
The Johnson family has requested two ways to help with food at this time:
1. Desserts for the repass on Saturday as mentioned above.
2. Grubhub or restaurant gift cards are the best way to send food for the family. They will be traveling back and forth to Flint often, leaving them out of the house. These gift cards provide flexibility for them to order food as they need it. You can use this link to start the process: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/e9qyly
If there is more need for food following this week, including preparing meals and taking it to the Johnson home, the Mealtrain link will be updated and you will be notified.
Donearl has requested that in lieu of flowers, they would like gifts to be made to the newly established Betty Johnson Adoption and Foster Care Support Fund. This fund is a designated account at LifeChurch Auburn Hills where all gifts made to it will go 100% to supporting local adoption and foster care initiatives. As a young child, Donearl’s mother Betty was placed into the foster care system following the death of her own mother. She was placed in multiple foster homes and eventually aged out of the child welfare system. This experience, coupled with her faith in Christ, grew a passion in her for the health, safety and wellbeing of children, and her passion has made a massive impact on Donearl throughout his life. He longs for LifeChurch Auburn Hills to be a loving environment for children and families in all facets of the foster care and adoption picture, and this is one way to start living that out.
If you would like to give online, you can go to www.lifechurchauburnhills.org/adoption to make a gift. To give by check, make the check out to LifeChurch Auburn Hills and put “Foster Care and Adoption” in the memo line. Checks can be sent to:
LifeChurch Auburn Hills
PO Box 211018
Auburn Hills, MI 48321
A sincere thank you to all of you who have desired to support Donearl, Jenetta, and the entire Johnson family at this time. They have been so appreciative of all the love they have received in the form of encouragement and condolences.
I will continue to send new information as I receive it, and if you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Cameron Underdown
LifeChurch Auburn Hills