We’re Moving to a New Location!

Auburn Hills Presbyterian Church
3456 Primary St, Auburn Hills

Beginning Sunday, July 7th

New Service Time || 9:30AM

— Prayer + Fellowship || 9:00AM 


Thanks be to God for providing a new home for our church! We’ll be moving to Auburn Hills Presbyterian Church of (AHPC) beginning Sunday, July 7th. Here are some FAQs to keep you informed about the move:

Why are we making this move?
While Auburn Elementary has been a good home for us, this new location will offer greater access throughout the week at a reduced monthly cost. The congregation of the AHPC has been incredibly welcoming towards us from the beginning of the process and are excited to be sharing their building with our church. We feel that God has opened this door for us very clearly!

Why are we changing the service time?
The AHPC also meets on Sunday mornings and so we are shifting our service time earlier to accommodate their worship service. It will be an adjustment, but also will give us the chance to spend more time in fellowship together after the service and even offer groups or classes in that time as well. Our Sunday schedule will be:

  • 9:00am   || Prayer
  • 9:30am   || Service start time (birthday celebration + fellowship hour after service on 3rd Sundays)

Is the space ADA accessible?
Yes! There is an elevator in the building that allows access to all spaces we will be using in the building.

What can I do to help with the move?
The location change will impact all of our Sunday morning serve teams. If do not currently have a role and would be interested in joining a serve team, now is a great opportunity! Click here to see a list of serve opportunities.

There will also be some specific areas in the coming months that will require extra assistance, including prepping certain spaces in the building to make them functional. That includes tasks like cleaning, organizing, moving boxes, and possibly even painting. If you have capacity and interested in assisting in those ways, reach out to Kimberly Dry at kimberly.j.dry@gmail.com.

Lastly, one of the most impactful ways to help as we transition is to attend regularly, arrive on time, and help create a welcoming atmosphere for any new guests!

Move-In Day Pancake Breakfast!

July 7th @ 10:45am
We’ll be celebrating the first service in our new home with a pancake breakfast immediately following service on Sunday, July 7th! Make plans to stick around and join us!


Questions? Email Donearl Johnson at donearl@lifechurchauburnhills.com