Turning Your Shame into God’s Fame

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If we think about our lives, we can recall times that we felt shame because of an embarrassing moment, failure, or perceived judgement from others. Peter’s story had moments of tremendous shame. You see, he was adamantly for Jesus throughout their relationship. He even declared in front of Jesus and others that he was willing to go with him anywhere even if it cost his life. Imagine the shame Peter felt when he denied Jesus 3 times even when he said he wouldn’t do it moments before. However, in this encounter, Jesus had Peter to affirm his love for him by asking 3 times which mirrored his denials. Each time Peter answered, Jesus responded with an assignment to let him know that his past mistakes where behind him and his future was calling.  What was happening in that moment was a shift in Peter life – Jesus was turning Peter’s shame into God’s fame. In other words, Peter needed to have Jesus speak into his shameful past in order to empower his future – a life and death that would glorify God.

Read John 21:1-19


  1. What are some times in your life that you felt shame or embarrassment? Did you let someone down? Did you perceive that others were judging you? What did you do in those moments?
  2. Can you relate with Peter when he proclaimed when he first met Jesus, “Go away from me for I am a sinner?” How is sin and shame connected? How does God wash those things away? 
  3. Sometimes, we wonder why we are here or what we were made for. Do we have a purpose in life? Do you sense God using your past to prepare you for a work he has in store for you in the future (that is only for you)? 


Just like Peter, God has a commission for our lives. He has a plan for us – that is good for us and glorifying to him. Think of ways that God has prepared you through your past experience both the positive and negative ones. Continue to reflect and go to God as you walk into the future and into the calling that he has given you.


And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Philippians 1:9-11

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